How to make time work for you?

Making time work for you?

Sounds interesting? Well, I think so. Am I being realistic? Yes I do.

You can actually make time work for you. The unreplacable thing in the world will be working for you by the time you finish reading this very blog. 

You can do as many things as you wish to, as much money as you want to earn, as much happiness you want in a single day just by controlling time. You can make your day soar in your eyes and can get as much as you want from one single day! Excited? Well, I am.

In our hectic schedule somewhere we feel that if we get a moment more we could do well. If I get one moment more I could complete this very assignment, I could just gain more, I would have made more money if I could get one more hour or so. 

These are the things which usually occur when we misuse the most valuable resource. Even if we are doing are work we are not putting each and every second into it. We think that we are using it wisely but actally we are not. Seriously, believe me we need to figure out the solution for this time management because when we read from somewhere for the best usage of time then also it does not work for us. Why? Because we do not actually apply it. This is the root for the misuse and mismanagement of time because we know each and every thing! Yes! We always say this that we know each and everything but still it does not work I don't know why. 

Each and everything is known to a person who actally applies it and experience it with full concenteration.

So, this blog is for the people who seriously want the solution to get more out of each and every second, each and every hour and the day.

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Before beginning I would like to request you all to clear the mind with all the thoughts going through, because you are going to get the most valuable and accurate things with which you'll be able to achieve more in a single day that people get in a week or a month. I am sure by the end you all will be thrilled to see the things actally working if you apply them.

Lets begin to unfold the ticket to success with time management.


   What? Earning? Yes, earning. Before getting to the next sentence 
think of the the income you want to earn in a single month. It could be any amount and figure with as much zeros you want along the number that you wish to. Now, just do me a favour to pick up the calculator and divide your income by 30 the number of days in a month to get your earning for a single day. Done?

 Now, divide the answer by 24- the hours in a single day to get the income of per hour. For instance, it comes out to be 1289 rupees per hour.

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This 1289 rupees is the amount of every hour that you would earn by investing your time in some productive source. This is the amount you will be wasting by not having core focus on the work. This is the time you will not get again beacause it goes with the blink of eyes. It is not going to wait for you. Once it is gone is gone. Nothing will return but one and the only thing will return - the time invested in productive source giving you the result as 1289 rupees per hour. 

Look at the time as it is costing you. Whenever you are in a situation in which you do not want to be,think that it is costing you 1289 rupees. Can you waste 1289 rupees to rome in a park uselessly? Keep asking yourself after every hour that was this hour productive? Have I achieved what I wanted to ? What more can I do to increase my speed to drive closer to my goal for the hour?

The answer for the latter question is that you can make your goals to be achieved per hour on the basis of per hour.  And, ask youself that have I achieved what I wanted to?

Make it a habit to make youself recoganise every moment with the money left behind.

I save my time by this practise and I am left with enough time in a day to do whatever I feel like.


   It seems to be common and we read it every where to focus to achieve your target but I am going to tell you how to do so.

Focus does not mean that you need to work and work and only work. Sit to plan two or three days in a week when you are going to cut the sources of distractions (sorry to say but it is our family only), when you are not going to connect with the outside world to create a tight bubble of focus. 

Image result for focus
In this time you will be doing the things that are most valuable to you cutting up the distractions. You will will get so much out of these two or three days that the others get in a month. Seriously, it makes this much difference. 

The only thing is to cut the distractions to have a core focus. I am not saying you to stay away from your family or cut-off your social life. I am saying you to plan few days in a week to stay away from these things to look deeper into your work.

Well, if you want something you need to sacrifice something. If we start living in the era of distractions we will reach at one point when we will not be able to work without distractions and will be asking more for it.

The best thing one can do is to take up some room in a hotel away from your house or lock yourself up in a room to create a tight core focus in the work. 

Your actions will be responding to your work as the result your time will definately be invested in the most productive source,the thing which you put on the top of the things you are willing to do in your wishlist.


    Affirmation will bring wonders along with the work which you do which goes like this:

"I have enough time in a single day"

Instead of saying I am lack of time or I do not have enough time say I have enough time in a single day. According to law of attraction which really works for me, you will be attracting the things that you demand of. Here, if you'll be saying you do not have enough time, yes definately you will not get enough time because you yourself are demanding it from nature. It will bring more and more to you what you wish to.

 Law of attraction accopmany you everywhere and will be working each and every time. So, if we have a chance to make more time available to us why not do it? Why to postpone it? Lets say it together that, "I have enough time in a single day."

Here, you can use your visualisation by getting up in the morning and visualising all the things which you want to be done are perfectly done with a grin on your face.

WORD OF CAUTION: Law of attraction works only if accompanied by action which means you need to take action to recieve the result of what you wish.

Here, action to take is to create tight bubble of focus.


   It is very useful to make more time in a day. I have read in the book - 100 ways to motivate yourself by Steve Chandler, in which he says that combining the little tasks as much as possible sets you free for the day above.

For instance, while you are driving to office or to the market and feeling little bit low then instead of cursing the traffic and the people by the road listen to some motivational audio tape. Listen to the little tactics that help you to feel above the sky.

Here you have done two things, drived to the place where you want to reach and motivated yourself.

Like this you can combine the work which you practically think is possible and will make you some more time to do the things which you want to.


   What I call strict rule, works like this;

- By cutting off the useless thoughts

- By making confined time to think of the thoughts that I want to ( for instance: my dreams to be achieved )

- By making time to have fun

- By making seperate time to spend with my family.

Image result for strict rule'

It means that  under the strict rule make the core focus on one particular thing while working instead of taking thoughts in between of some other matter combined with the work.

For instance, while working you are thinking of your chilling and having fun.

Now, you cannot focus on both the things because they are irrelevant and also wandering your focus. You need to schedule yourtime that at what time you will have fun and at what time the one and only thing will go and that is work.

This is how you increase the value of your time and you extract as much as you want in one single hour combining each and every second to soar the value of time.

Remember, rich or poor does not make much difference as they both are human beings but the actual thing that does makes the difference is the management of time. Rich people have more time to think, why? Becaue they know the things which will make them rich they will do that things only. They know how much there time is valuable. They know that if it is gone is gone. They cut the unproductive tasks, like driving themselfs or cleaning house becausethey know that they can get it done by just paying few dollars. And, in the meanwhile they get the time to'think'where others are busy being unproductive and that is what that makes them rich.

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Each and everyone have 24 hours in a day but it depens upon us that how we use it.

Hope you are filled with the knowledge to manage time to get the best possible results.

Please share your experience in the comments.

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If you have some query please leave a comment, I will quickly reply to your concern.
